The Summerland Health Care Auxiliary and its Thrift Shop could not experience the great success it has without the kind and generous support of our community: our donors, our shoppers, and our dedicated volunteers. Your Thrift Shop donations, your purchases and your hours of service provide evidence that Summerland is a caring community. We sincerely thank you for your continued support.
Grant Funding Application:
A copy of the Summerland Health Care Auxiliary grant funding application form is available here for the convenience of requesting organizations. Just click on the highlighted text and a copy of the form will appear in a new window. Completed forms should be forwarded to the President, SHCA, via email at: [email protected].
A copy of the Summerland Health Care Auxiliary grant funding application form is available here for the convenience of requesting organizations. Just click on the highlighted text and a copy of the form will appear in a new window. Completed forms should be forwarded to the President, SHCA, via email at: [email protected].